Very sweet!! Glad for our time with you today! I don't have your email so send me a note when you get a chance and I'll send you the table pics so you don't have to search so long. marci - we are :)
Shhh, don't tell that I'm a tiny bit envious of the snow...I don't even like the cold, but I have to say I'm thinking I could enjoy a good 'ol snowstorm! Then it could melt and be spring....haha!
you're ahead of us in snow fall but it's snow so we're happy :)
Very sweet!! Glad for our time with you today! I don't have your email so send me a note when you get a chance and I'll send you the table pics so you don't have to search so long. marci - we are :)
heee heee, loving it!! kids are heading out for the 3rd time.
they've all peed a bit in their snowpants because they didn't want to come in!
perhaps the best part of this storm is that i'm inside in silence!! ha!
and i can't believe it's still snowing. since 6:30 this morning. unbelievable!
Shhh, don't tell that I'm a tiny bit envious of the snow...I don't even like the cold, but I have to say I'm thinking I could enjoy a good 'ol snowstorm! Then it could melt and be spring....haha!
Your lucky kids got more snow than mine - we are a bit jealous (the kids, not me!)
I must admit I'm not jealous, but I love seeing it in your pictures. ;) Enjoy that silence, my dear!
Glad your kids have a place to play in the snow!! All kids should be so lucky!!!
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