All three of the kids are Potterheads. But this one. This one is on his second round through the books. He reread the first two in 6 days. Today was the first day of Spring Break 2013. What better way to start it off than to read the 3rd book for 11 hours. 11 hours. 11 hours of reading today. Today. Hey, I'm not complaining. He was my cozy couch buddy for a bit this afternoon. I rather like him. Just, you know, worry about his muscle tone now and then.
nice paint job in the background...that really nice green border. 2 out of 3 of our boys were/still are somewhat Potterheads...the middle one is into real adventures..Travis Pastrana kind. Happy Spring Break!! I don't know why I"m still up..we had a snow day and the kids go back to school tomorrow cuz it's allready melting!
I've got Potterheads at my house too!
Happy spring break.
BTW-Very cute kid you have there, & I can't believe how much he's grown!
The second time thru is to savor the detail. Love your book in the sorta makes the pic!
oh for sure - he's noticing things now that he didn't the first time around! like curse words! ha!
First thing i noticed, your son is growing up - FAST!!! Second thing was your paint job - love it!!!
my kids like to read but not like!
love the paint job too!!
I can understand him- I did the same thing at that age!
I've read the Potter books umpteen times- one thing I like is finding little things in the early books that are vital to what happens later. She wrote the whole series very deliberately and did some nice planning at the beginning. :)
He looks!
ohmygoodness, like everyone else said... he's looking so grown up!
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