Here's an unremarkable birth story about a remarkable little man.
We went out for Mexican after meeting. I didn't have anything blazing hot so I'm not giving "spicy food" any credit. I had taken castor oil at 6 pm the night before but nothing came about from that but a sore rearend. After we got home from lunch Evan was painting a bookshelf for Avrie and needed a little tiny roller for trim. Avrie and I walked the 3-ish blocks down to the Dollar Store to see if they had anything. After we got home I sat down on the couch and was a few words into an email when a real live contraction hit me. A few minutes later, another. They were 5-ish minutes apart from the get-go. I let Evan know and walked up and down the alley for a while to be sure they were real. They were. We cleaned up the kids and called Gpa & Gma to meet us at the hospital to sit on the rugrats for us. By the time we got to the hospital they were 3 minutes apart and not feeling so great. But I figured I could still do it naturally, which was my plan. The nurse checked me and I was only dilated to 3 cm. ONLY. We took a walk for as long as I could stand it...which was only 30 minutes. They were 2 minutes apart and HURT. BAD. I wanted that epidural NOW. I got it an hour later. It was still 4 hours before I pushed him out and the epidural didn't slow the contractions at all. I am a little bummed that I didn't get to experience a natural birth...but mostly I'm so thankful for modern medicine and the anesthesiologist!!! Cole came along at 10:22 pm with two pushes. Here's the story in a few pictures:

Did I mention in my birth story that i had made the decision to get the epidural, we were just waiting to get the required amount of antibiotics in? I remember thinking...pretty soon I'll be laying here watching the contractions on the monitor and feeling nothing at all. not so the pic of nolan and cole. oh, and i remember the first time i changed elliots diaper after liam was born....his butt was HUGE!
Sweet pictures....swett birth story....sweet baby:)
....sweet birth story! You look great btw.
Congratulations, you guys! I've been out of blog-checking for a while so forgive my delayed response. He is so cute and you are all looking very darling and happy! Yay for epidurals!
Love the birth story. Thanks for sharing. Glad everything went well for you -- epidurals are definitely the way to go!
love it! so sweet
What a perfect, adorable little family...such sweet pictures! Thanks for making my emotional self shed a few tears!
thanks for sharing Cole's birth story! Love all the pics :) Congrats on the little man!
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