We awoke Sunday to a misty, moisty morning and cloudy was the weather. We packed up all our belongings and then headed over to Char & Elroy's campsite for breakfast. But we were an hour early. We left the kids with them and went back to our cabin and loaded the car all up. We ate breakfast and then had a mini-meeting in the camper. Grandma entertained the kids afterward with face painting. By the time she was done the clouds were clearing up and the moisture had stopped. We loaded up our fishing gear and headed to the pond. After that we hit the mini-golf, lunch, waterpark, beach. And then we hit the road for home.

I love, love this picture of
Avrie. She got a ladybug.

Literally two minutes later. Good thing she couldn't see the mess she'd made or she wouldn't have been a happy camper. Grandma "fixed" the mess with a washcloth.

My boy at the fishing hole.

My two favorite boys in our annual pose.

Fishing on a dock with no railing and no life jackets is not good for Mom's nerves. I actually left and went to the bathroom so I could breathe. Seriously. No one else seemed to worry...maybe I need to take a chill pill.

Nolan and
Grayson checking out the bait.

Grandma told
Avrie to smile.

Four kids in a
Burley? You betcha!

Nolan and
Trevin patiently waiting their turn.

We pulled out of the campsite and drove the 2-3 blocks down to the gift shop.
Avrie had fallen asleep before we even got there. Now that's a pooped out little girl.

We bought a canvas car top bag for extra storage. It was super noisy when going over 65 mph. This is Nolan trying to fall asleep through the noise. He said "Dad, you should go fix it. It's too noisy and I'm
tryin' to go to sleep. So ya should. Fix it."

Evan had to stop at a rest area and take a 10 minute snooze. I would have driven home but driving puts me right to sleep. Besides, I had to finish my library book that was due on Saturday.
We got home around 7:30. The kids played while we unloaded and unpacked. I was so happy with myself as I crawled in bed at 10-ish. Everything was unpacked and put away. And two loads of laundry were washed. Now that makes it fun to wake up the day after vacation! We enjoyed our trip and are looking forward to next year already!
Nice job getting the pics uploaded so fast...I still haven't finished our Montana trip and we've been home over a week. Oh, snd Avrie is to cute with the lady bug!
sounds like you had a great time. we need to do a family vacation.
It's amazing how a fun filled weekend can wear you out! We were in the same boat this weekend!
I tagged you...see my blog for details!!! =)
What happened to Nolans right elbow?
It's a sticker.
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