Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Feel Better About Yourself:

It's been building up since last Thursday.


Lani said...

Craig and I had a dish washing project to tackle ourselves this evening. It's probably been building for the same amount of time. ;)

Jen said...

Well...that's just a little bit discouraging, I'd say. May the force be with you when it comes time to tackle that big bad mess!! ;o)

(By the way, I only speak so freely because I know EXACTLY what it is to have a sink that looks like that. It happens regularly, unfortunately.)

Melissa said...

That's not bad....it's not your fault your sink is too small!!

Mindy said...

don't worry one corner of my bedroom looks that bad - it's piled high with clean & dirty clothes. also various odds & ends that were in our suitcase from a trip we took 3 weeks ago!

Amber said...

I always wonder if everyone's house looks relatively close to mine and they just won't admit it either! I admire your guts...I wish I had the nerve to post pictures of our mess sometimes.

Gwen said...

almost tempts me to do a photo shoot..remember i now have not sink so my bathtub is getting full..tubs are a lil bigger than a sink and yesterday we were without water due to well problems. so just IMAGINE..

Vintage Dutch Girl said...

Actually, that is exactly what my kitchen sink looks like right now!

Neisha said...

I do feel better about myself. And it's only my knives, wooden spoons and pots and pans that I have to wash by hand.

Shannon said...

Feel even better about yourself: We have a dishwasher. I never, ever wash a single dish by hand. It just happened to be full of clean dishes that I kept ignoring. We were gone all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Trying to justify it! Now it's empty and sparkling.

Ethel said...
