Scored this ugly mushroom picture at our garage sale last weekend for a few coins. It was on the living room wall in my MIL's house growing up. I thought it was perfect for Avrie's slowly progressing room. I fancied it up yesterday...
Ta-Da! It's pretty cute now, huh?!
I am nesting. At the rate I'm going I surely must have a nest FULL of eggs. This closet is one of many that is a "catch-all". The drawers were full of unorganized medicine, junk, etc. I sorted through them all and labeled the outside. I threw out medication that had expired 6 years ago! I reluctantly let go of my last few Valium from 2001. I'm sure their potency was diminished by now. It was still hard to throw that 'peace & sanity-in-a-childproof-cap' in the garbage.
It wasn't even 9:30 this morning and I had already retouched all the walls in the living room. Filled in all the scuffs and scratches that were too stubborn to come off. It looks like we have a freshly painted room now! Evan is going to come home from work one night and not recognize his own home! Well, enough blubbering...I'm sure there is something to organize or repaint or Windex!
Wow, you are one cute mama!! If you're still feeling so ambitious when you're done at your house, please, by all means, feel free to come to my house!! I'm in the middle of doing this to my own house...but I have to get busy this afternoon during nap time...I'm losing motivation quickly! Go you!
your back must be feeling better? mine has not been good this week. i had one day where i could barely hobble around - trying some pelvic & lower back stretches now.
Oh, I LOVE the look of the mushroom picture now that it's white! That's great!!! :)
thanks guys! feels the best when i do nothing and sit on my butt (on a hard chair!) all day. so i was really sore yesterday but i'm nesting so badly that i can't sit still. i called my mom this morning and asked her what to use to wash walls. i can't stop!!
i'm doing 3 exercises twice a day and they really seem to help hold me stable and keep pressure off my disc.
your belly's cute:) i love your craftiness....i'm capable of it but just haven't taken the time to do it lately. As in, like, the past year or so. The picture turned out cute.
Painting the frame and changing the mat color did wonders, you could design the whole room off that cute picture. I may need to go garage saleing to find some cute fixer-up projects, even though I just have a sale of my own last weekend to get rid of stuff we don't use. But that just makes room for more stuff!!
Wonderful job on the mushroom picture! A great improvement . . .
I love your Tink shirt. And you have mad skilz woman. I need some of that "nesting" energy. Did I mention you make pregnancy look really glamourous, cute?
pregnancy becomes you..and the mushroom have vision, girl! i would have never seen the beauty in the thing ( no offence gamma, mil) but it's actually cute now! why don't you bottle some of your energy and fedex it here? ( or maybe the expired valium would do)
Shannon, you look cute pregnant!
WOW! cute picture. looks much better. my SIL is like that, she can take something and repaint it or whatever and make it looks really cute. wish i could do that
I never did "nest" with my kids. I only make Kylie a tie-fleece blanket the day before she was born.
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