Wednesday, December 19, 2007


Don't say I didn't warn you. Do not complain to me if you continue to read.

Cheri: Which is worse? Raisin-filled diaper or raisin puke?

I've cleaned up my share of puke over the last 10 days. 1-3 times per day/night. This afternoon was the absolute worst. I was feeding Klara a snack of Indian pudding and Avrie wanted a bite. I gave her one and she promptly gagged (she must agree with Daddy). She then threw up the entire contents of her stomach. Which was: an entire box of raisins, unchewed, congealed ice cream, curdled orange juice, curdled milk, chunks of oatmeal. To clean this up I got a bowl and spoon. It was all held together by snotty mucous. Which made it impossible to scoop up. Is it strange that I'm so used to her throwing up by now that I just kept feeding Klara her snack and waited until she was done?


Cheri said...

OH NASTY! The puke wins...hands down.

Mindy said...

Does all her puke have mucus? That's how Ayla used to be before we found out dairy was making her sick.

Cheri said...

Judging by the puke description, shouldn't this post be on your other blog? teehee

Shannon said...

This is the first time it's been mucousy...otherwise it's been super watery and acidic.

Mindy said...

Poor babe. I'm glad she's finally getting better & I so hope we don't get it.