Monday, September 21, 2009

Avrie started preschool last Tuesday. I've been running like a headless chicken and just uploaded the pictures last night. She goes T & F for 2 hours and LOVES it. Her teachers have been teaching together for twenty years; the oldest one has been there thirty-seven years.

Like the foot?

Waiting patiently to hang up her awesome backpack.


Gwen said...

wait until you get in the van and start out and wonder which way you are sposed to go and what day it is.. i did that once..turned to winona instead of rochester.. i see avrie still has the grin...and the foot...tsk..

Jen said...

Now that is too dang CUTE!!! :) They grow up so fast, don't they? I don't have any kiddos of my own, but sometimes I'm just SHOCKED at how quickly my friends' kids grow up and go off to school. It's just so sad! But fun to see them experience the new things. Thanks for sharing her first day with us! I look forward to hearing stories from how it goes!

Ethel said...

that sounds like Teagan's teachers. she goes only Wedn. morning but she loves it and it has helped her become a bit more social..sometimes too much.

very awesome backpack..i would love it!

and she is simply adorable.

Amber said...

How cute is she....she looks very pleased :D Love the back pack as well :)