Saturday, September 06, 2008

Final Belly Shot!

Can you believe this big guy was in my belly?!

*I'm oddly boobless in this shot due to a very confining sports bra. Maybe it's less scary than it would be otherwise and you can actually see Cole...hahaaaa! I hope I'm not the only one who thinks this is hysterical...


Melissa said...

You look fabulous, girl! What's your sling...or is it one you made?

Mindy said...

aren't you glad he was early? is he still "supposed" to be inside?

Shannon said...

i made it...i made a bunch of them out of fleece...super easy and essential! i also have a ring sling from snugglebeebaby but i really dont like it at all..much prefer the pouch style.

SO glad he was early...he's not "supposed" to be out until 9/13.

Cheri said...

wooowweee lookin' good mama! haha

have you tried a moby wrap?

Mindy said...

i just watched king corn - thanks for recommending it.

Amber said...

You look great...and Cole is amazingly cute:) Anxious to use my sling...

Anonymous said...

He's adorable and you look awesome! Congrats!

MT Foners said...

So cute... I've not had kids yet but you did make me laugh anyways!

Neisha said...

I find it hysterical. After I had my kids and I was nursing I was all boobs. They were huge so yes I'm laughing.

Lani said...

Remember the feeling well. He looks so cute. I liked my snugglebeebaby slings cuz I could cinch them in good and tight. What's the style you're using here? And Cheri... I've heard of moby wraps... what are they?

Cheri said...

Lani - shannon's sling here is the same as the one i wore at convention...if you saw it. i like the looks of the snugglebeebaby one for that looks snug! the moby is basically a big piece of fabric that you wrap. you could google it, i saw one at convention, but don't know who had it on? it was grayish!

Lani said...

I'll see if I can find out more.