I am exhausted. Miserable. I had an OB check on Thursday and I was almost completely effaced and 3 cm dilated then. Now I feel like I've had two labors worth of contractions and still no baby. His head is so low that I can *too much info alert* feel him only 2 inches up. He's extremely active which makes it super fun as well. We've walked at least 6 miles since last night. I just took the castor oil dive at 6 tonight. It worked with Avrie so we'll see!
good luck!
awww, i thought for sure you were at the hospital already - maybe you are right now!
hope everything goes well for you and hope you are at the hospital right now! :) I love, love the pictures of your kids in the cardboard house! Too cute!
Ahhhh... same thing Katie went through with Aurora. I remember calling you and asking you for advise. Nothing worked for her. Can't wait to hear when he's arrived!
Any day now, right? The end is in sight...even if it feels like time is dragging.
I'll cross my fingers that this baby will come soon.
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