Thursday, June 12, 2008

Go Figure

I've had a long, long day with the kids. They've been at each other all day long. I get them both in bed by 8:30 and decide to treat myself to a hot bath and a book. I make myself a nice bowl of ice cream topped with walnuts and the rest of the caramel sauce from Nolan's birthday cake. I step into the steamy tub as I take my first wonderful bite. OF MOLD. No matter how tiny of a's a HUGE bite with mold. I had just dumped the caramel sauce in the same bowl as the leftover cream cheese frosting. I think it was a tiny bit of frosting that I happened to scoop up that was the offender.

Now I'm waiting for my husband to get home. Might as well just go to bed. Although I read recently on Yahoo that getting more than 6-ish hours of sleep is bad for your health.

Oh, and both gunnysack race videos should be up and running now.


Amber said...

I hate when that get all settled in to relax, and then something ruins it. Usually it's the kids waking up for me. I had someone tell me last night that she can't imagine I've got 3 more months, I look huge already. "How will I be able to stretch anymore?" I told her I got LOTS of room and I get way bigger than this. I happen to work for her, and she's like a size 4-6 or something and always commenting on how I have an excuse to be "overweight" because I'm pregnant....other people however just need to get healthy. I love how she covers up her insults with just being concerned for peoples health. Someday, I may comment on her wrinkles...hope your day goes better today!

Amber said...

ooh, and she's never had kids...

Shannon said...

she sounds just lovely! ha!

Lani said...

Isn't that the way it goes? Maybe you could cover up the taste with a delicious double cheeseburger from Mickey D's. I kid. ;)