Tuesday, February 19, 2008

You Must Read NOW

I know that I recommended this book quite some time ago. I had to return it to the library right in the middle of it and just finished it last night. I feel that this book needs its own special recommendation. I haven't read something so moving and memorable for ages. I finished it sobbing, which resulted in a headache. I can't stop thinking about the characters and their fate. Simply amazing work. Run to your library and get it today!


Mindy said...

you must be pregnant!!

Shannon said...

yeah, i know....the sobbing!!

Ethel said...

what's it about? i can't do the death thing..it doesn't sound too happy..

Shannon said...

It's full of death, as it takes place in Germany 1937 - 1945. If you are at all interested in WW2, read it!

Lani said...

Hmmm... sounds uplifting. ;) Ok... I'll add it to my list. Right behind J's recommendation to read P.S. I Love You.